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David Leon
National Disability Institute

David Leon has worked with individuals with disabilities for over 25 years. In his current role as the VADARS Director for Workforce Programs, Mr. Leon serves as the agency lead on employer engagement activities, the Ticket to Work program, financial empowerment initiatives and several federal grants. He is the project director for the RSA DIF PATHWAYS grant and recently completed a NIDILRR grant related to Financial Empowerment initiatives where he served as Co-Principal Investigator. He has provided technical assistance on Financial Empowerment, work incentives, Ticket to Work and Partnership Plus to other state vocational rehabilitation agencies and federal programs. Mr. Leon has served as a SME for SAMHSA projects and currently is a consultant for the CRA initiative through the National Disability Institute. Mr. Leon is a credentialed Benefit and Work Incentives Practitioner through Cornell University and holds a Master's Degree in Education from The George Washington University where he received the Donald C Linkowski Award for outstanding rehabilitation counseling student.

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