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CIE Resources

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Customized Employment

  • Customized Employment Roadmap:
    This documents outlines a suggested protocol to be used when considering implementing or piloting Customized Employment.
  • Essential Elements of Customized Employment for Universal Application:
    This is a document that outlines elements that subject matter experts determined are essential to the practice of Customized Employment (CE). Funders such as VR agencies can use this information to inform Requests for Proposals for training in CE, the development of contracts with providers of CE services and evaluating the effectiveness of CE practices.
  • Customized Employment (CE) Delivery Checklist:
    This is the companion document to the Essential Elements of CE document above. It provides a checklist based on the that document to help ensure quality control for VR staff paying for CE services
  • Customized Employment (CE) Webinar Orientation: This 50 minute webinar provides an overview of Customized Employment (CE) based on “The Essential Elements of Customized Employment for Universal Application” which is listed immediately above as “Essential Elements”. This webinar is intended to provide a very basic introduction to the CE process and includes a brief summary of the differences and similarities between Customized and Supported Employment. It is not intended to be used as CE training which requires considerably more time and much more comprehensive coverage of CE material.
  • CE Capstone Forum on 9/23/20 RSA: This is a recorded ZOOM call with RSA which provides an overview of current CE pilot models from three state agency partners; Minnesota, Michigan and Colorado.  This video also includes an overview of CE progress based on the 13 CE pilot sites that WINTAC is supporting.

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Supported Employment

Supported Employment Quality Features
WINTAC, along with a wide variety of stakeholders with extensive supported employment experience developed the attached “Supported Employment Quality Features” document to identify and describe high quality features of supported employment as a guide for the universal application of these features across service delivery and training providers.  The intent of this document is to provide a consistent framework and detailed description of all the elements necessary to provide high quality supported employment services.

  • Supported Employment Core Features Checklist
    This document is intended to provide a checklist based on the above “Supported Employment Quality Features” to assist VR agencies in evaluating SE services that are being provided by VR staff and/or contracted service providers. Audience: service providers and VR staff that oversee SE services.
  • Essential Questions for Supported Employment Design
    This document is intended to help VR agencies set up the framework for and effectively support quality supported employment (SE) services. It’s a companion document to the two referenced above. Audience: VR SE program managers-leadership.
  • Supported Employment Critical Policy and Definition Elements 
    is compiled from multiple resources such as WIOA Law, regulations, and RSA guidance to provide a comprehensive view of Supported Employment.

RSA's technical assistance regarding key aspects of SE implementation under WIOA

NOTE: Consider signing up for RSA's email subscription page for email updates on a variety of topics relevant to the VR program.

Supported Employment Resources from VR agencies:

Supported Employment Resources related to ‘Natural Supports’

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Competitive Integrated Employment

California Department of Rehabilitation Services Competitive Integrated Employment Checklist  

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Business Engagement

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